For a future of tourism that goes beyond words: putting action before terminology

After ‘sustainable’, ‘green’, ‘responsible’, ‘eco’ and ‘community’ tourism, a new term is making its way into this field: ‘regenerative’ tourism. Unsurprisingly, the word ‘sustainable’ has been so widely used that it eventually lost meaning. And now that all tour operators’ facades have been repainted green, a new buzzword had to be found to stand out. […]
EURAKOM Presents: Enforces First Training Session

Recently, the EURAKOM team organised a series of webinars on Enforce topics. The first webinar, titled “Tourisme Durable vs Tourisme Régénératif”, took place on September 18th and explored the differences between sustainable and regenerative tourism practices. The second webinar, “Le Co-Design et l’Expérience Touristique Régénérative”, explored how collaborative design improves the experience of regenerative tourism. […]
The Storyteller’s Guide: Unleashing the Power of Stories for Regenerative Tourism

In the dynamic world of tourism, new initiatives are emerging, aiming to reshape the way we experience travel and its impact on destinations. The ENFORCE Project, launched in late 2022, is at the forefront of this transformation, embedding regenerative principles into practices within the sector. ENFORCE, coordinated by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg […]
A collaboration of key players is needed to create a regenerative tourism model in the future

As climate change continues to advance, some regions worldwide are experiencing the adverse effects of over-tourism, particularly during the summer season. This issue has raised serious concerns among local communities. Over-tourism occurs when an excessive number of tourists visit a destination, putting immense pressure on the environment, infrastructure, and local resources. The result can be […]