A collaboration of key players is needed to create a regenerative tourism model in the future

As climate change continues to advance, some regions worldwide are experiencing the adverse effects of over-tourism, particularly during the summer season. This issue has raised serious concerns among local communities. Over-tourism occurs when an excessive number of tourists visit a destination, putting immense pressure on the environment, infrastructure, and local resources. The result can be detrimental to the natural ecosystem, cultural heritage, and overall quality of life for residents.

During the summer, many popular tourist destinations attract a surge of visitors, exacerbating the impact of over-tourism. Increased traffic can lead to environmental degradation, pollution, and strain on limited resources like water and energy. Additionally, heavy tourist presence may lead to overcrowding, noise pollution, and an erosion of local culture and traditions.

Local communities are often the ones who feel the immediate and lasting effects of over-tourism. It can disrupt their daily lives, lead to a rise in living costs, and reduce the availability of resources for residents. Moreover, over-reliance on tourism can create an unbalanced economy vulnerable to fluctuations in tourist numbers.

Regenerative tourism practices are a direct answer to this problem. By regenerative we mean that visitors leave the place in a better state than it was, it is not seasonal but encourages all-around-the-year visits, and is embedded within the local community. But to embrace the regenerative model and effectively address the challenges of over-tourism and climate change, a significant shift in mentality is required from all key players involved in the tourism industry. This shift should prioritize sustainability, social responsibility, and long-term positive impacts on the environment and local communities. In this article, we want to pinpoint crucial problems that key players face in the process, as NECTSTouR (European regions for competitive and sustainable tourism) described in the article “The regenerative tourism persona ecosystem”.

  1. Destination Management Organizations (DMOs): DMOs play a vital role in shaping and promoting tourism in a destination. They need to adopt a regenerative mindset that focuses on preserving natural resources, respecting local culture, and ensuring the well-being of residents and need to go from more returns on investments to added value and social returns.
  2. Businesses: Tourism-related businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and tour operators can adopt eco-friendly practices, buy seasonally, reduce waste and carbon footprint, support local suppliers and artisans, and invest in community development projects.
  3. Associations: Industry associations and organizations have an opportunity to influence their members and advocate for regenerative practices. They can facilitate knowledge sharing, provide resources for sustainable tourism initiatives, and encourage collective action to address common challenges.
  4. Local Community: The local community plays a critical role in the success of sustainable tourism. Involving the local community in tourism planning and development can lead to a sense of ownership and empowerment. It is also important to educate and present to the local community the positive significance that tourism can have on their environment and quality of life and the various opportunities it can open up. Often, residents feel excluded and complain about tourism because they are not involved in tourism offerings.
  5. Visitors: Tourists have a responsibility to be mindful of their impact on the destinations they visit. By choosing responsible tour operators, respecting local customs and traditions, and minimizing their environmental footprint, travelers can contribute positively to the regenerative model. For all of us who love to travel, it is crucial to accept that our presence in a certain area can worsen the situation, making it less likely for us to take our desired destination for granted in the future.


Overall, a collective mindset shift is essential to create a regenerative tourism industry that benefits both the destinations and the people who visit them. “Real cases showed how it is possible to be a net-positive driven business/destination, rooted in sustainability values, caring for the environmental and social impact, and to be also financially successful. Tourism is a means to an end and not a final goal on its own. Regenerative tourism businesses do not only seek to be profitable but also to leverage a positive and beneficial impact in the communities and its environment,” the article concludes.


The Enforce project partners met in the Slovenian city of Ljubljana on 30 and 31 May. Hosted by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce (CCIS), the meeting was carefully organised and offered participants a mix of business talks and leisure activities.

Two regenerative experiences were at the centre of the meeting. These immersive sessions allowed partners to recharge their creative batteries and better connect with the city. You can find the two experiences on the map!

The next steps centred around the next steps of the project, which equipped the team and partners with the necessary tools to continue working on Enforce. The Enforce journey continues and the partners are determined to deliver results of the highest quality.

Os parceiros do projeto reuniram-se em Aveiro nos dias 14 e 15 de setembro de 2023. Esta foi uma oportunidade para descobrir o destino com uma abordagem regenerativa, para compreender os seus muitos activos, mas também alguns dos desafios que enfrenta. As reuniões de projeto presenciais oferecem sempre aos parceiros a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o trabalho do parceiro que os acolhe e de obter informações valiosas sobre o destino. Desta vez, os parceiros foram recebidos por uma equipa dedicada de profissionais de gestão e turismo da Universidade de Aveiro, que partilharam uma grande quantidade de informações sobre uma cidade que era nova para muitos dos participantes.

O projeto Enforce está a fazer bons progressos no seu plano de trabalho. Depois de concluída a recolha de boas práticas, incluindo exemplos inovadores de storytelling de regeneração, e o Guia do Narrador, os parceiros aproveitaram a reunião para discutir o desenvolvimento do Programa de Formação Enforce.

Durante os próximos meses, os parceiros irão trabalhar no desenvolvimento do conteúdo de acordo com as orientações fornecidas pela Universidade de Usak, o nosso parceiro turco no projeto. O curso deverá estar disponível para testes-piloto em janeiro/fevereiro de 2024 e estará também disponível nas línguas dos parceiros assim que todas as traduções estiverem finalizadas.

A equipa ENFORCE reuniu-se na bela cidade do Luxemburgo para a sua reunião de lançamento. A reunião teve lugar na Câmara de Comércio Italiana no Luxemburgo (também conhecida como CCIL), que abriu as suas portas para acolher calorosamente todos os parceiros.

A equipa estava bem ciente da importância desta primeira reunião e abordou-a com entusiasmo. De facto, ela desempenha um papel crucial na criação de laços sólidos que contribuirão para o sucesso da cooperação no seu conjunto. Os participantes discutiram em profundidade os primeiros passos necessários para o projeto ENFORCE, com o objetivo comum de construir uma base sólida.

Durante esta visita, os objectivos do projeto foram examinados em pormenor para garantir uma compreensão completa dos objectivos globais de cada um. O resultado da reunião de lançamento foi extremamente satisfatório e gerou entusiasmo na equipa. Foi um sucesso que inspirou e deu energia a todos os parceiros.

A jornada ENFORCE começou oficialmente e, com a experiência colectiva dos parceiros empenhados, não há dúvida de que irá florescer e alcançar resultados notáveis.


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Project N: 2022-1-LU01-KA220-VET-000089887

© 2025 Enforce Project
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